Student Athletes
What does it mean to be a student athlete?
Being part of the Bishop McDevitt field hockey team means that you are considered a student athlete. That's right- a student first. It is required that all student athletes be eligible to participate in field hockey they must be passing there classed. Talking with the coaching staff about a troubled class is the first step in being successful.
Bishop McDevitt takes great pride in our athletic program and we encourage students to participate in one or more of our many sports teams. However, participation in McDevitt athletics is a privilege, not a right.Student-athletes are first and foremost students and are therefore required to maintain certain academic standards to be eligible for participation.
The guidelines for determining eligibility are as follows:
Any student failing two or more subjects is considered academically ineligible. This includes ALL subjects – electives as well as Phys Ed class.
A grade report will be run by the Academic Office every Friday morning at7:30 am beginning 15 days into the grading period in order to determine eligibility for the following week – Sunday through Saturday. Eligibility will be determined based on their grades at the time the report is run. Any grades posted later in the day on Friday will be applied to the following week, therefore the academic week for athletes runs Friday to Thursday for eligibility.
Names of athletes who are deemed ineligible will be given to the Athletic Director who will notify the students and the coaches.
Any athlete who fails two or more classes at the end of a quarter will remain ineligible until the reporting resumes 15 days into the new academic quarter.
Any issues concerning individual grades should be brought to the attention of Mrs. Pagliaro.
It is the responsibility of the student-athlete to keep up to date with all assignments, classwork and grades. All students, but especially athletes, should be checking MMS on a regular basis. Please note the following:
Teachers are allotted a reasonable amount of time to post grades. Our guidelines state 48 hours for homework/class work and up to a week for tests. Major projects such as research papers may require more time. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to grade and post things quickly to allow for eligibility and this should not be expected.
All students are expected to complete course work on time. ALL LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE GRADED AND POSTED AT THE TEACHER’S CONVENIENCE. It should not be expected that the teacher grade and post late assignments immediately to allow for eligibility.
Every athlete (fall, winter, spring) must have an agreement signed by both the student and a parent turned in or they will not be allowed to practice.