Summer Sessions
Open Hockey
Due to the events out of our control the early start to our summer sessions we were hoping to have was not successful. Good news is that we are to resume summer sessions the beginning of July. This year we will run every Monday night 6 - 8 pm and every Thursday morning 8 -9:30 am.
There may be a week or a day here and there that it may be cancelled; so please check your emails or the site.
This is not a mandatory practice and can not be considered one. This Open Hockey is primarily here to better oneself as a better hockey player before the season starts. This is to make sure you dust the webs off of your sticks and get back onto the turf.
Please contact any of the coaches if you have any questions.

Cancelled - Mechanicsburg Rec League
We will be listing below the schedule for the Mechanicsburg Rec league once released. Looking at last years schedule it is likely to begin around mid/late May and run till late July on Tuesday or Thursday evenings.
You will be wearing your blue/white McDevitt
reversible pinnies and black shorts and the sock color listed below. Eye goggles are required.
Games are at:
Memorial Park Stadium
Memorial Park Drive
Mechanicsburg, Pa 17055
There will be a team waiver that needs signed at the first game.
Rec League
playing against
uniform color
which field
Memorial Park
John H. Frederick Field
Stadium is located past the baseball fields, tennis courts, and pool.
Parking is beside the stadium.
Summer Catz High School Field Hockey 7 vs. 7 League
Location: Memorial Park, Turf Field
Game Times: 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday nights, May through July
(No games July 4). Make-up games will be played the following Monday night depending on Turf Schedule.
Once schedule is complete, no changes will be made
Game structure: Varsity and JV Divisions; Play half field games; guaranteed 7 games; 24 minute halves with a running clock,
5 minute halftime
Rules: NHSF & PIAA
Uniform: Each team should bring a light and dark game shirt with matching socks. Eye goggles are required
Insurance: Mechanicsburg Area Parks & Recreation is not liable for any accidents as a result of the competition. Each participant must carry their own personal medical insurance
Here is pertinent information regarding the Catz 7v7 Field Hockey League for this summer.
1. We will play regardless of rain. If there is lightning, the PIAA rule will go into effect, which is a half hour delay from the last sighting of lightning. If we have to cancel, we’ll use the first available Monday to make-up games.
2. Please bring your own Med Kit.
Coaches, players and spectators must represent good sportsmanship at all times. We welcome enthusiastic encouragement for the players and officials in a positive manner. Our staff will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike conduct from anyone at any time.
See the staff at the timer’s table if there are any problems, but remember the PIAA official is responsible for actions on the game field at all times.
We will be using Remind 101 again this year for text messages regarding games/weather. Please forward this information to players/coaches/parents. To receive messages via text, text @summerfiel to 81010. You can opt-out of messages at any time by replying, 'unsubscribe @summerfiel'.
Rules & Regulations:
1. Games are played half field.
Games are 24 minute halves with a running clock, 5 minute halftime.
We will play 7 v 7 - which means 6 field players + a goal keeper. If a goal keeper is not present, you may play with 7 field players, but no player will position themselves as a goalie due to safety.
No CORNERS – A defensive foul in the opponents offense area marked by cones, will result in two defensive players being sent back to the opposite circle with a 25 yard hit coming in. The two players must hustle back to the opposite circle. If game play is interrupted a card may be used. All players must be 5 yards from the hit coming in.
Mouth guards must be in, shin guards and goggles on for all games. NO JEWELRY.
All PIAA rules are in effect, in cooperation with rules 1-4.